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danke-shiny red - germany collection

danke-shiny red - germany collection

Danke-Shiny Red

You "Bitte" try on this ravishing ruby before it’s too late!

Germany Collection by OPI, inspired by what fashion editors are calling "Europe’s hottest new fashion metropolis," the Germany Collection by OPI embraces the classical elegance as well as the avant-garde that is modern Berlin. Burgundy (the season’s gorgeous and undisputed "new black") and red appear in variations from dark to light - German-icure by OPI, Danke-Shiny Red, Schnapps Out of It! and Deutsch You Want Me Baby? Much like the world-renown street art and vibrant swirls of graffiti that pop against the walls of Berlin’s historic buildings, brilliant sapphire (Unfor-greta-bly Blue), red-violet (Suzi & the 7 Düsseldorfs), deep aubergine (Every Month is Oktoberfest), sultry black olive (Nein! Nein! Nein! OK Fine!) and an on-trend, electric-lime yellow (Don’t Talk Bach to Me), contrast beautifully with our creamy, urban-chic neutrals in honey beige (Don’t Pretzel My Buttons), nude rose (My Very First Knockwurst) and light taupe (Berlin There Done That).

"Once again, the hottest accessory of the season is nail colour," says Suzi Weiss-Fischmann, OPI VP & Artistic Director, "and the shades in the Germany collection are no exception. Each classic colour imparts elegance with an edge—taking your fall wardrobe to a whole new level of fashion!"
  • 15ml Bottle.

OPI is renowned globally for its Nail Lacquers – a brilliant, chip-resistant, professional formula available in over 200 fashion-forward colours.  OPI Nail Lacquers are beloved around the world, and trusted by professionals.