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competition powder - clear100gm

competition powder - clear100gm

Competition Advanced Formula Acrylic System Powders feature an ultra-fine texture and UV stabilized formula for lasting, non-yellowing color clarity. Available in five shades for the ultimate in custom color effects: Cool Pink - for a true pink and white look on cool skin tones; Warm Pink - for a custom pink and white look on warm skin tones; Opaque White - for clean, crisp, dynamic tips and smile lines; Totally Natural for natural-looking free edges and overlays; and Very Clear- for glass-like finish.

Competitions fast-setting polymer powder in an immaculate clear that lets your clients natural tones shine through.

The Benefits:

Ideal for fast overlays and sculpts. 

Reduces sculpting effort. 

Smooth application 
Minimal filing for fast finishing. 

Exceptional adhesion & durability 
Strong, flexible, long-lasting enhancements.

Size: 100 gm.