Home / OPI / manicure/pedicure / avojuice - ginger lily juicie - 200ml
avojuice - ginger lily juicie - 200ml

avojuice - ginger lily juicie - 200ml

Busting with natural moisturisers to juice up your skin! Silky and "juicy", Avojuice Ginger Lily treats your skin to a drink of smooth, rich moisturisers plus soothing Avocado and Aloe extracts - with a bright bouquet of fruit, ginger flower and lily.

Inspired by nature’s sweet smells for summer, the nourishing formula of Avojuices feature a blend of exotic fragrances, with avocado and aloe extracts, which will leave your skin feeling silky and smooth.

In ten juicy flavors your skin will drink up!

Avojuice Skin Quenchers lotions are filled with real, good-for-you natural extracts and an entire menu of soothing, nourishing ingredients designed to give skin a drink of moisture!

20 FL OZ